How an attack on the Rosary has led to a boom!

Rosary Beads are a Holy Devotional Item and Sacramental used to aid prayer.

This week three online businesses have reported being on the verge of selling out of Rosaries.
The boom in sales for what is quite a common item for a Catholic is due to an article written last week in ‘Atlantic Magazine’ which prompted a large response globally by practising Catholics, especially online.

In the article, Daniel Panneton from Atlantic Magazine claimed, “The rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or “rad trad”) Catholics.”
In other area’s of the article it mentioned how the Rosary has become a symbol of the ‘Far-Right’.
Many people took to social media platforms online with their Rosaries on photographs, making memes and some even citing that the article was a loaded attack at Catholics due to its bias.

However, in the face of this a wave of Catholics hit social media with images of their rosary beads, prayer tables and memes to show solidarity in defence of the Holy Rosary even hitting trending pages on Twitter. This was an incredible witness and also prompted many people to go online shopping for Rosary Beads.
This week three online businesses are reporting shortages and the potential of selling out of stock.
Whether its people re-engaging with this Marian Devotion or people adding to their collection, its been quite the pushback against the rhetoric from Atlantic Magazine.

In these times, it is best to pray the Rosary more due to the rise of secularism and anti-Catholic sentiment, especially in the United States in light of the repealing of Roe v Wade. We ask Our Lady to intercede for us all and especially the unborn.

Our Lady Help of Christians, Pray For Us.