Welcome to Catholics Today!

Catholics Today began as a humble Facebook Page. After success on just this platform alone, the page expanded to Instagram and now we have decided to make a brand new website so that many more may access our resources.

'Living Catholic Online' is the primary focus of Catholics Today. In a ever increasing secular world full of relativism and indifferentism the internet reflects the same ideals. Whether it be materialism, idolatry, blasphemy, hostility or outright inappropriate content. This page and all content strives to be an oasis to everyday Catholics at any time and in any place. Although there are many other Catholic Webpages, this is an independent page which can be tailored to our specific community.

"Many great things depend - don't forget it - on whether you or I live our lives as God wants"

-St Josemaría Escrivá

This website is to be built for Catholics of all ages with content including:

-Blogs and Commentaries
-Child and Family Friendly Content

With much more planned in the future and with your continued support! Please pray for the continued success of this page and our online community.

"Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light."

[Matthew 11: 28-30]